How it works?

Create account

Register a new account in VendingMetrics, then select a plan which fits your needs.
  • VendingMetrics can be used without buying any additional devices.
  • You can connect any telemetry device or payment terminal which you already have.
  • We offer a MetricsBox which is our primary telemetry device which give use additional benefits.
Check pricing
two people using tablet
isometric view on vending machines

Add your machines

Create vending machines and set up products. Optionally, you can also configure a telemetry device or payment terminal to start receiving sales and current machine status.
  • Track product pickups and movements with our vending inventory system.
  • Add your suppliers and product orders to track expenses on products and revenue.
  • Keep everything in VendingMetrics cloud vending management software to make your work and life easier.
How to connect MetricsBox

Track vending machines

Start tracking machine inventory and share the access to your employees.
  • Set up alerts and notifications. We'll let you know when something goes wrong the vending machine, eg. stops selling products.
  • Create accounts for your employees and grant them access to the mobile app.
  • Download the mobile application.
man using tablet

Discover How It Works

Watch the video about our services