Getting Started

Getting Started

You just registered to VendingMetrics and not sure where to start? This Getting Started guide will show you step by step configuration to fully use all system features.

Step 1: Set up your Products and Inventory

First step to get stared with the system is setting up your products, inventory quantities and cost.

You can create prodcuts in Inventory tab or import them easily from our Product Library. See the details about creating products in this instruction.

Inventory settings

At this moment you can also set up current product inventory in your warehouse. To do that, click on the product in Inventory and use Set current quantity button to enter the inventory level.

Inventory warehouse settings

Check more information about warehouse management in this solution.

Step 2: Create your Machines

The next step is to create your machines and assign products. You can find the Create machine option in Settings tab. Select the machine type (snack/soda or coffee) and add its name.

Create new machine

When the machine is created, select it from Machines list and go to installed products tab. Create machine slots, assign products and enter product Max quantity and vend prce in each slot.

Create slots

Step 3: Current Machine Inventory

When you are at the machine, go to Shortages tab, select your machine and set current products level in each slot.

Set machine inventory level

On Confirm, the system will register the shortage as a sale, or adjustment and it will update the number of products to refill.

Set products as sold

By chanding current products level you can register all sales. When it's done, you can set the machine as refilled in Shortages tab.

Also, check our solution with details about inventory management without telemetry devices.

Step 4: Install VendingMetrics app

Our mobile app will allow you to manage inventory and register sales at the moment you are at the machine.

Download the app from here:


Google Play

Step 4: Order MetricsBox or Connect your Card Reader

To view all transacrions and product sales in real time, get our MetricsBox telemetry modem or connect your card reader to the system.

Get MetricsBox or contact us at [email protected] to check integration opions!